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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fall Steelheading,Crisp Mornings & Beauitful Colors

Fall Morning Fight > photo by John Miller

Fall Steelheading : the crisp cool dawn,gave way to the mornings
warming sun,the colors where spectacular the fish where co-operative,
at least for awhile,until the leaves & raising waters shut us down :(
Spent some time on the water with John Miller & got to watch him work
magic on the fish,as well as with the camera ! I've always found it
quite intresting to watch an artist at work "The Camera's Eye"
Mid-way steelhead calling try your luck with me,Chromers singing
the same old melody,a thousand 10 cent wonders,who could ask for more ?
A pocket full of silver,the key to heavans door,Steelhead Streams,
willos in the breeze,Steelhead Streams,so many memories.

One for the Net > photo by John Miller

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/11/09 Steelheads "The Steelhead Cherry"

Cody got his first tast of Steel this weekend

Tim H.,yelling "Get The Net Again !"

Boo's Chrome

Taking a break from the action on Elk

What hat should I wear ?

Lil' Broun Trout swimming with Steel

Steelhead Circle @ Trout Run

Monday, October 5, 2009

Let The Games Begin ! Steelhead Fall 09

Jason with some Fresh Sunday Steel

Steelhead Season Fall 09,is offically on !
The recent rains brought a push of fish to most of the Alley Tribs.
I spent most of Saturday,scouting the tribs,visiting The Fly Shops,
restocking,my materials,and gathering information,on when where &
how,I would begin,my season opener.I did'nt even get my boots on as
I was content to scout for my opening day on Sunday,10/4/09.
Elk & Walnut Creeks,had a good deal of fisherman on them both,so I
just watched and listened to the fish stories.
Walnut was fishing fair at the access,upon my arrival late Saturday
AM,and I witnessed a fair # of fish being hooked & landed.
Next I stopped at Trout Run,to see the progress being made there.
I saw quite a few of "The Baby Browins"swiming with the Steel,&
the addition of Brownies to the PA Great Lakes Fishery will be
welcomed by many !

Fresh Chromer "Head Shot"

The fishing on Elk was much slower,than Walnut,as the mud stained
waters & strong flow on Saturday,limited many success,but there where
some fish being caught. By late Saturday afternoon,I had narrowed down
the place I would fish to 2 areas,as darkness fell I,found myself listening
to the live entertainment being provide by the outside,under the pavlion
Hoe-Down @ The Girard Legion Post,just above The Legion Hole.
It was a good mix for me,good live music,for my ears,while serching for fish.

Jason's New Minnow pattern was working well

Skein Fly by J fooled this Steel

Sunday morning found me on the water,as it was just getting daylight.
I was soon rewarded just after,with my first hook-up of the year.
The fish where taking a liking to my offering's of Wiggle Stones.
The Steelies where jus full of fight,fresh,dime bright,leaping,drag
singing runs,where the rule of the day,as I had action all morning.
The fish seemed to turn on & off all morning,and a switch of patterns
was all that was needed to get them on the bight again.
All kidding aside,I breifly thought i was in Alaska,Coho fishing again,
as the jumping steel,trough my flies or got my line on some of the sharp
edged shale as the pulled the line off my reel,in there mad dash for
freedom upstream,after inhaling my minnow patterns or nymphs.
Productive patterns for me early in the day where,Wiggle Stones,in
Peacock & Blue in nymphs & Ice Man Minnow's,Bob's Minnow & Pod's Minnow.

Another one on the fly for J

J Puttin the Side Pressure to em'

By mid morning things seemed to be slowing down a bit,so I put on a strike
indicator & skein flies,and Day 1 round 2 of my Steelhead opener had begun.
The fished seemed to favor the Skein Flies,as most fish prefered the "Egg"
over the minnow,in my tandem rig.under "da Float",my 2nd half of the morning.

Elk Creek "The Mud Hole"

Elk Creek above The EC Acess

I hooked up with Jason,in the afternoon,as we put on ou hikin' boots & coverd
some water,we found some more bitters as we hit and ran a few miles of water.

Trolling for Steelies off Trout Run

Construction @ Trout Run

Little Brown Trout @ Trout Run

Lower Walnut

10/3/09 "The Nut"