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Monday, May 17, 2010

Trout Travlers,The Sulphers are Coming !

Tim with a nice Brownie from Spring Creek
First fish of the day & first on Tims new
Orvis Combo,a great way to start the day !

Well the weather was right,and the fishing
was good,which made for a good weekend in Central PA.
A couple of my Erie freinds,Tim & Dan,made the trip
down to Central PA,from Erie,to fish Spring Creek with me.
After a quick thruck-stop breakfast we headed for
Spring Creek,to try our luck.The crowds where fairly heavy,
but that is not a big suprise to me,as the Sulphers are
starting there heavy hatch on SC. We where fordunate to get
a few good runs,locked up before the heavy crowds began to
show up,and got to land a handful of 14" to 16" Browns,along
with more of there smaller brothers & sisters,but the Bows
eluded us on SC.
Fish where taking Phesant Tails & Sulpher Emergers from
mid morning into mid afternoon,when we took a short break,
for lunch & change streams.
We found an open run on Bald Eagle,that was loaded with hungrey
Bows,to finish off our day,on a good note !
Tim & Dan headed Mup-Erie,about 5:00PM,and I could not help
not to rib them about there ride travlers for trout.

Dan T. aka "The Mexican"with a SC Brown

Central PA Soltitude

JB with one of The SC Browns

Wild Brown from SC

Slippery When Wet !

Bald Eagle Rainbow

Spring Creek Brown