With prime Steelhead fishing,just around the corner,my thoughts,drift back to
this past fall & late summer,and a question's that have haunted me for the past few years now. Alaskan Rainbows verses Lake Erie Steelhead,which is the
superior fish ?
Erie Steel ala Jay,right out his front door 11/2110
With my first trip to Alaska,in August 2009,I left The Naknek River Camp with
an education,on the native & very wild "Bows of Bristol Bay ! Being a fairly avid
Erie Steelheader,making the 2 & 1/2 hour drive Mup-Erie,for over 10 years,
I headed to Alaska with Fresh Silver & Sockeye on my mind.
Cole & Denver,early October,Erie Steel 10/2110
My first day on The Naknek River,in August of 2009,left me with a whole new
My first day on The Naknek River,in August of 2009,left me with a whole new
respect for Wild fish,as we caught & fought,a good number of Bows,right at the
boat dock,on small flesh flies,egg patterns & beads. These hearty Native Bows are hearty bread no doubt about it. The 14'' to 20" fish we caught by the dock
fought like Erie's 24'',Steelhead . I didn't pay much more attention to the rainbows,the rest of my trip in 2009,as I was completely enthralled with the
Coho's & Sockeye,but I had a much different attitude,in 2010,I was going to go
"Big Bow Hunting" & we hit "The Egg Drop",just right our last day in camp.
Tom had us on the fish & we boated 7 Rainbows from 24" to 29",lost maybe 10
more of that size & a few bigger ones.........my mind was made up,no doubt.
Kurt with 32" of Naknek Rainbow 8/2010
River,The Naknek River Camp,our host lodge is in the background,
you can fish right out the front door !
Jay with a good Naknek Bow 8/2110
Tim & a Trophy,late September Steelhead 2010
Don't take me wrong,I am a very very happy camper with our Erie Steelhead,and glad we have them now & far into the future,but The Wild Alaskan Bows,got a hold on me..........on another note,we also found out that
Don't take me wrong,I am a very very happy camper with our Erie Steelhead,and glad we have them now & far into the future,but The Wild Alaskan Bows,got a hold on me..........on another note,we also found out that
Fresh from the Salt Coho's/Silvers,are quite a bit feistier than their Great Lakes
cousins also.